About Me

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English major and a biochemistry major at CSU working our way through the world and onto degrees (hopefully). Though we seem to be almost complete opposites, we have a lot in common. We've got very similar, yet awkward and inappropriate senses of humor. We are food driven - it's our main reason for getting out of bed every morning, and if one more person smokes outside of our window, Katie will drop an anvil. Well, at least water balloons.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prom Weekend (Katie)

For all of you who have graduated and are no longer in school, this will be a blast from memory hell: FINALS. Yeah, finals are almost here. Just so we’re clear as to how much I HATE these tests, as I was trying to type “finals”, I typed “funerals”. To me finals are there to remind you how much you really weren’t paying attention when you wrote those 3 pages of notes every class. They are there to tell you that you are still stupid and have a long ways to go towards that degree, especially if you fail and have to retake the class. They taunt you every time you glance at your study guides and haunt you in your dreams. They cause sleepless nights, weight loss, weight gain, bad eating habits and stressed induced acne. I have been attempting to study every free moment I get but that didn’t go so well this weekend because I had prom!

My boyfriend is a senior in high school and it was his senior prom. Since I never had a junior prom, having this prom was like having my senior prom as well and we had a blast! I finally got him to dance and it was so worth it. He’s actually a good dancer! I did my own nails this year thanks to Caitlin showing me how, and I had my hair done at a little shop that didn’t cost very much at all. It was prom on a budget since I am just a poor starving college student, but everything turned out sooo well. I have posted a picture of us that was taken in my front yard. I am pretty sure that it’s my favorite dress of all time. I had that feeling when I tried it on in the store. You know? Well girls know what I’m talking about at least.

All the prom joy hit a brick wall the next morning when my alarm went off at 5 am to go coach volleyball. Obviously we didn’t hit up any after prom parties. I had to drive an hour to get to the facility. Brandon drove up behind me to give me someone to talk to if I got sleepy during the drive and he wanted to see me coach my last tournament of the season. After the tournament, Brandon and I went our separate ways as we are forced to do now that we live 2 hours apart. I’ll be moving back home soon which means we’ll be 15 minutes apart then, but my move out date seems to always be far away. Time might be moving slow too because this summer we are…


We are excited to say the least and Brandon and I will be putting our heads together and writing blogs during the trip!



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