10. Facebook. How else would I get to keep up on all of my gossip?
9. Christmas, and not because I get really cool things (even though I love all my presents mommy). Its because finals are over and the semester is done!
8. I don’t have to deal with the people that comment on those Yahoo! articles on a daily bases. If I don’t want to hear what they have to say, I just don’t read their comment.
7. I am not working retail. 2 years ago I had to get up at 2 am so that I could be at work by 3 am so that people could come running through the doors at 4 am to buy whole bunches of stuff that they probably don’t need, is really terrible quality, and really isn’t on that big of a sale. How do I know its not that big of a sale? Well, 3 days ago I rang it up for either the same price or less, therefore, you got screwed out of a good day of sleep and you screwed me out of one too. Thanks. Now I get to choose if I want to get up or not.
6. Mountain dew goes on rollback, a lot. Thanks Walmart!
5. There are a ton of ways to cook really good chicken and about 2 ways to screw it up. The odds are in my favor for a really good meal.
4. My puppies. My world would be a lot less interesting without them. I love them to death and they love me unconditionally. All they want from you is a good belly rub and to play fetch. That’s really not too much to ask for is it? I think not!
3. My friends. Without my friends, my classes would be so boring. I’d have no one to make fun of the professor with or roll our eyes at that one person who just won’t shut up.
2. Brandon. He carries massive amounts of groceries and clothes all the time for me, he chases off trespassers, he can carry my TV up and down the stairs by himself, he can reach the stuff on the top shelf, he will go shopping with me and he will cook with me. Even better than cooking with me, he’ll help me with the dishes after.
1. My family. As I write this, my younger sister is doing the whole nod off to sleep and then snap your neck back into place thing. Super entertaining. That describes them all actually: super entertaining. I can count on them to say or do something ridiculously stupid to make me laugh even after I fail that test I should have aced. Whether its my dad walking around in happy feet, my little sister doing odd things in her sleep, or my mom snoring in weird patterns, they’re still family, and I guess I still have to claim them.
